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How to Grow Garlic from Garlic Sets

how to grow garlic from garlic sets

Garlic (Allium sativum), is a species in the onion family. Its close relatives include the onion, shallot, leek and the chive.

It has culinary and medicinal purposes with the bulb of the plant being the most used part. The bulb is made of sections known as cloves.

How to Grow Garlic from Garlic Sets

Garlic is grown from individual Garlic cloves. Each clove will produce one plant with a single bulb - which may in turn contain up to twenty cloves. Growing garlic is therefore self-sustaining.


When planting garlic, choose a garden site that gets plenty of sun and where the soil is not too damp. Adding a little organic matter a month or so before planting can help cure this if it’s a problem.

The cloves should be planted individually, pointed part upright and about an inch (25 mm) under the surface. Plant the cloves about 4 inches (100 mm) apart. Rows should be about 18 inches (450 mm) apart.

Spring Planting

Poor weather conditions often mean that spring planted garlic produces smaller bulbs. Spring garlic planting can produce good results in the warmer Southern areas where it is often planted in late February or March. This also removes some of the chances of the plant being damaged by the winter cold.

Autumn Planting

In more Northerly areas it more common to plant garlic towards the end of the year. The single clove will split into bulbs as a reaction to the cold soil. It is usually planted between mid-October and late November depending on your local climate. Garlic is generally hardy, however it can be damaged if the temperatures are very cold and the snow cover thin. If this is the case, cover the garlic with straw to protect it.


Garlic Pests

Garlic has the same pest problems as onions the main one being onion fly. Bromophos raked into the soil before planting should cure this if you have a problem with it. Garlic seeds are more prone to disease than Garlic sets. The most likely problems with garlic sets are a lack of water in the hot months and birds and animals lifting them from the ground.

Harvesting Garlic

When garlic reaches maturity, the leaves will brown then die away. This is the time to harvest your garlic crop. If you harvest too early the cloves will be very small, too late and the bulb will have split.

Proper handling of garlic after it's been picked is almost as important as looking after it whilst it's growing. It's essential that garlic is dried properly, otherwise it will rot. The bulbs are often hung up in a cool, dry place. After a week or so, take them down and brush the dirt off gently - don't wash the bulbs at this stage.

How to grow garlic from garlic sets


"Garlic" is a species in the onion family. Its close relatives include the onion, shallot, leek and the chive. It has culinary and medicinal purposes with the bulb of the plant being the most used part.

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