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Music Index for the Big World


More Pages about music from the big world:

What is the difference between a dobro and a guitar?
What is a Dobro

Choosing a slide or bar for your Guitar
Choose a guitar slide

How to tune a guitar?
Do you tune a guitar properly?


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more Pages from the big world sites:

Jaques Brel The most famous songwriter you didn't know and How to really write songs.  
Jacques Brel

Dads Army – How to make the new timeless
the spirit of Dads Army

Time lapse film using techniques from these pages.
Wind chimes time lapse

Another example of a Timelapse film using techniques from these pages.
Gently Turning time lapse

Wassail Christmas Carols and New Year.
How to sing the wassail




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Index of pages to do with music from the big world

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