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Firefox 4 puts Five Million Squeeze on Internet Explorer 9

firefox and internet explorer fight

More than five million people have downloaded the latest version of the Firefox 4 Browser since its release on the 22nd march 2011.

Over the past year, Firefox's market share has declined slightly in the face of competition from Google's Chrome.

Firefox 4 was made available for download less than a month after Microsoft launched Internet Explorer 9, the latest version of its market-leading browser.


Both pieces of software promise users a faster, more secure online experience.
Firefox, like its rival, now makes extensive use of HTML 5, one of main the programming languages used to build websites.

Within its first 24 hours, more than 5.5 million users had downloaded Firefox 4.
Firefox has enjoyed rapid growth since it first appeared in 2004. At one point in 2009 it held a 24% market share. Now the browser has a 21% partly because Google's Chrome browser has grown from 1% to 10%.

Internet Explorer is still the most dominant platform, although its fall has been the most precipitous - from 68% in 2009 to 56% in February 2011 as was previously suggested by this site.

Microsofts IE9 is a great browser that puts it on a par with it’s competition with improved graphics, handling and security features.

IE9 also has hardware acceleration built in so it can call on the power of a PC's graphics card to display sites in more detail.


Internet Explorer 9 the latest release is only for Windows Vista and 7. Two thirds of companies are still using Windows XP. Firefox, Chrome, Safari and other browsers will run on older Windows platforms.

With html 5 now being used on many sites it may be easier for XP users to switch browsers and thus avoid having to upgrade their operating systems.

The launch comes at a critical time for Microsoft as, one survey suggests, its Internet Explorer browser is suffering a long-term decline.

Some analysts believe that Firefox could still secure a bigger piece of the increasingly fragmented market, especially among corporate users.

Firefox 4 puts Five Million Squeeze on Internet Explorer 9


"Browser Wars" Firefox 4 makes use of html 5 as does Microsofts IE9 and both browsers do similar things, so why is Internet Explorers market share declining when other browsers including third party mobile apps all seem to be getting a greater market share?

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